Thursday, February 20, 2025

    9 House Cleaning Tips To Always Have a Clean Home


    Keeping your house clean on a daily basis may seem like a challenge. However, it does not have to be. With a few simple daily house cleaning tips, you can keep your house clean and clutter free. My house is typically clean every single day. But not so long ago, I just could not keep my house clean. 

    With 2 kids, a husband, working fulltime, and all my other responsibilities, it seemed as though I just did not have the time. This resulted in me spending each and every weekend trying to catch up on cleaning. I don’t know about you but cleaning up every weekend is not my idea of fun.

    Once I made a commitment to adopt a cleaning routine, I noticed that I now have more freedom on the weekends to do other things I enjoy. Also, for me having a clean home is beneficial to my mental health.

    There is just something about a clean house that makes me feel more at peace and I get more things done. On the flip side, a dirty and cluttered home can make me feel slightly anxious. If you have kids and or a spouse, be sure to ask for their help in keeping up your new cleaning routine.

    These 9 House Cleaning Tips that I now do daily have helped me so much and I know they will do the same for you!

    1. Make Your Bed

    The very first thing I do when I wake up is make my bed. This one simple thing makes a huge difference in the appearance of your bedroom. You may think you don’t have time to make your bed, but it literally only takes a few minutes.

    This is also a great way to start your day off with a feeling of accomplishment. If you have kids, teach them to do this as well. My 8 year old daughter and 4 year old son both make their beds up each morning before going to school.

    Additionally, when you come home from work and or if you work from home, you will be so happy to see your bed made.

    2. Wash Dishes or Load the Dishwasher

    Before you go to sleep the night before, wash the dishes in your sink. If you have a dishwasher, load it each night.

    This will prevent dishes from piling up and will keep your kitchen clean every single day. Also, you won’t have to smell those dirty dishes in the sink when you wake up the next morning.

    3. Wipe Down Your Kitchen Counters

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    After you have loaded the dishwasher and or washed the dishes, it is time to wipe down your kitchen counters. Wiping down your counters everyday will help prevent food build up from occurring.  It will also give your kitchen a clean look, smell, and feel. Microfiber cleaning cloths are great to use to clean your kitchen.


    4. Throw Junk Mail Out As Soon As You Get It

    Previously, my mail was always piling up. By the time I went through all my mail, I had a cluttered stack on my desk. That is until I started throwing out all the “junk mail” immediately.

    Anything I did not need, I threw it out right then and there. I no longer sat it on my desk to look at later. This helped to tremendously reduce paper clutter. 

    5. Sweep or Spot Mop High Traffic Areas

    In my home, my family and I usually congregate in the living room and kitchen area before we leave in the morning.And in the evening when everyone gets home. These are our most used areas. We eat in these areas and spend time together talking and watching TV in these spaces.

    Therefore, this area usually needs to be swept as there may be dirt from shoes. Food may also be spilled that can be quickly clean up with a Swiffer Mop.

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    This is also the area most people see when they come over. Keeping the floors in these areas clean will definitely give your home a clean appearance.

    6. Pick Up After Yourself

    Okay this may be a no brainer for some but I know many people who take their clothes off when they are getting dressed in the morning and leave a pile of clothes on the floor. Do not do this.

    When you take your clothes off place them in a laundry basket or any other designated space you have.

    Also, if you fix yourself breakfast in the morning, put everything back where you got it. After putting on your makeup and combing your hair, put it all back when you are finished.

    This is probably one of the most important house cleaning tips on the list.

    The reason I say this is because constantly pulling things out and not putting the items away may be the #1 reason many cannot keep their home clean.

    Get rid of the “I will do it later mindset” and do it now. I promise you will see a huge difference in the cleanliness of your home.

    7. One Load of Laundry In, One Load Out

    This concept was taught to me by an old co-worker and I can tell you this works great. Depending on your schedule, you will place 1 load of laundry in to wash and then dry that 1 load either in the morning or later in the evening. Using a laundry sorter cart is an awesome way keep all your clothes separated such as whites and darks.

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    Once the load is finished drying, fold and put up all the clothes immediately. Focus on just that 1 load.The next day repeat this step. By the end of the week, you will have minimal or no laundry to put up.

    The key with this process is you do not have laundry piling up and you won’t feel so overwhelmed when tackling laundry. 

    8. Clean Your Bathrooms

    Another thing to do is to make time in your day to clean your bathrooms. Wipe down the countertops, clean the toilets, wipe off mirrors if needed, and empty the trash.

    Keep in mind you probably won’t have to do each of these everyday as it may not be needed. I love to use scrubbing bubbles toilet drop ins. This minimizes how often you need to clean your toilets and it leaves your bathroom smelling fresh.

    9. Do a Walk Through Before Going To Bed

    Before going to bed, be sure to do a quick walk through in your home and pick up as needed. Because let’s be honest, you may not remember to put things away each day before you head out the door. Especially if you are rushing.

    But at the end of the day give yourself a time limit and clean up what you can. You may only have 30 minutes. Set a timer and when that 30 minutes is up stop.

    I also have my kids clean up their bedrooms before they go to sleep. It usually isn’t a lot and only takes a few minutes since they do it every day. A quick walk through is the key to waking up to a clean home.

    These 9 house cleaning tips have been life-changing for me!

    I am no longer frustrated that the house never seems to be clean. With my new cleaning routine, I am able to stay on top of things, reducing my cleaning time tremendously. My weekends are now spent with family or doing something I love.

    You too can start this routine today. I promise you will wish you had started these cleaning tips sooner!

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