As a mom, keeping my car clean with little kids is a daily thing I tend to struggle with.
With my hectic schedule it just seemed I didn’t have time to clean my car. Until I realized it’s not about having time it’s about making time for things that are important to me.
And taking advantage of the time I do have. Plus once I implemented these time management tips, I was able to find more time in my day.
I began to notice that when I don’t do specific things to keep my car clean, it tends to get worse and worse everyday.
From kid’s sports equipment to school backpacks, and McDonald’s happy meal boxes along with leftover french fries on the car floor.
Oh, and don’t forget the receipts you throw in your car after pumping gas that pile up over weeks and weeks and weeks.
I knew something had to change.
So I started doing a few simple things daily and weekly that has really helped me keep my car clean consistently even with a 4 year old and 7 year old .
Check out these 5 car cleaning hacks that will help keep your car clean each and every day.
While at the gas station, throw all your trash away
When you go to the gas station, set the pump, and while your gas is pumping, remove all the trash from your car and throw it in the nearest trash can.
Every gas station has trash cans and doing this one simple step can get the inside of your car free of trash in just a few minutes.

Run your car through the car wash
As a busy mom, you may be constantly on the go. Continuing from the previous point, many gas stations have car washes. Plus, you may even get a discount on your gas when you choose to get your car washed.
This is a quick way to get your car clean without needing to get out of your car.

Take everything out of your car at the end of the day
Every evening when you get home, take everything out of your car. Any jackets, trash, kid’s items, work bags, backpacks. Take it all out.
This prevents things from piling up in your car and lets you get your morning started off in a clean car.

Utilize the trunk
Instead of piling everything in your car, utilize your trunk instead. And although, you still have to clean out the trunk, this helps to keep the inside of your car clutter free.

Keep a handheld vacuum in your car
Vacuum up food the kids have spilled in the car to minimize leftover food and crumbs. Be sure to use a cordless handheld vacuum so you don’t need a plug. Simply keep your vacuum under your seat or in the trunk to quickly clean those inevitable messes.